Quarterly Budget Review Statements – Consultation Guide – Submission on the Consultation Guide


What is this all about?

Councils manage significant finances on behalf of their communities and play a pivotal role in making sure public money is directed to the assets and services most at need.

The people of NSW rightly expect their elected officials to have effective oversight and be in control of the financial performance of their council.  To do this a robust performance monitoring framework needs to be in place to ensure transparency, build trust and minimise risk.

The draft Quarterly Budget Review Statement Guidelines for Local Government (the draft Guidelines) have been revised to ensure council staff report clearly and consistently to their councillors and communities.  The draft Guidelines outline the purpose and value of effective financial reporting, highlight roles and responsibilities, and establish standardised Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) reporting templates.


Draft Guidelines and  Consultation Guide


Who are we seeking feedback from?

OLG has prepared a Consultation Guide to encourage discussion and generate feedback from the local government sector and key stakeholders about the draft Guidelines and the proposed changes

Submissions will be accepted to COB Friday 18 April 2025.


What are you being asked to do?

The Consultation Guide outlines the key focus areas of the reform. We are seeking your input on these matters through the questions raised in the Consultation Guide and available in the online form.

Feedback can be provided using the online form below


In writing to olg@olg.nsw.gov.au


Postal address: Locked Bag 3015, NOWRA NSW 2541

Submissions should be clearly labelled ‘Draft Quarterly Budget Review Statement – Consultation Feedback’.

When providing your feedback, we encourage you to keep responses outcomes focused.

Instructions on submitting your feedback are included at the end of this form.

Not all questions need to be answered.


Information of privacy and confidentiality

When you give us your feedback, OLG will be collecting some personal information about you, in particular:

  • your name
  • your email address
  • any personal information you decide to put in the additional comments fields.

All feedback received through this consultation process may be made publicly available. Please let us know below if you do not want your name and personal details published.

As part of the consultation process, we may need to share your information with people outside OLG, including other public authorities and government agencies. We may also use your email to send you notifications about further feedback opportunities or the outcome of the consultation.

There may also be circumstances when OLG is required by law to release information (for example, in accordance with the requirements of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009). There is a privacy policy located on OLG’s website that explains how some data is automatically collected (such as your internet protocol (IP) address) whenever you visit OLG’s website. The link to that policy is /about-us/privacy-policy/.


Quarterly Budget Review Statements – Consultation Guide – Submission on the Consultation Guide

Step 1 of 6

1. Your Details

I would like my name and personal details to be treated as confidential:(Required)
Which of the following best describes you?(Required)