Information about the Companion Animals Taskforce
The Companion Animals Taskforce was established by the (then) Minister for Local Government and the Minister for Primary Industries to provide advice on key companion animal issues, including strategies to reduce the rate of companion animal euthanasia.
Specifically, the Ministers asked the Taskforce to inquire into:
- Euthanasia rates and re-homing options for surrendered or abandoned companion animals
- The breeding of companion animals including the practices of “puppy farms”
- The sale of companion animals
- The microchipping and desexing of companion animals
- Current education programs on “responsible pet ownership”
- Dangerous dogs
- Any other high priority companion animal issues that become apparent to the Taskforce.
The Taskforce consisted of representatives of the following organisations, invited by the Ministers to participate:
- Animal Welfare League NSW,
- Australian Companion Animal Council,
- Australian Institute of Local Government Rangers,
- Australian Veterinary Association,
- Cat Protection Society of NSW,
- Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW,
- Dogs NSW,
- Pet Industry Association Australia, and
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals NSW.
Representatives of the Office of Local Government and Department of Primary Industries also participated on the Taskforce.
The NSW Government final response to the reports of the Companion Animals Taskforce.
The NSW Government’s response to the reports of the Taskforce is based on the more than 5,300 submissions received in public consultation. Issues canvassed included identification, registration, welfare issues, how to better manage dangerous dogs and education.
Feedback, expressing strong and varied views on the 38 Taskforce recommendations, was received from a range of stakeholders, including cat and dog owners, breeders and recognised breeder groups, welfare organisations, NSW councils, community groups, the pet industry and the broader community.
The response adopts most of the 38 recommendations of the Taskforce in full or in part and introduces a range of initiatives to respond to community concerns about dangerous dogs, animal welfare and high euthanasia rates.
The Companion Animals Amendment Bill 2013 commenced 18 November 2013.
Responsible Pet Ownership Reference Group
The Government established the Responsible Pet Ownership Reference Group (Reference Group) as part of its response to the Companion Animals Taskforce Reports. For further information on the Reference Group click on the link below.
Key Documents
- Government response to Companion Animals Taskforce recommendations – PDF
- M14-01 – Release of the Government Response to the Companion Animals Taskforce – PDF
- NSW Companion Animals Taskforce Report – PDF
- NSW Companion Animals Taskforce Report – management of dangerous dogs – PDF
- Public submissions on Companion Animals Taskforce recommendations – XLS
Follow the link for further information about the Responsible Pet Ownership Reference Group